yeahhh,, alhamdulillah,, setelah beberapa menit mereparasi sederhana blog saya, saya bingung mau ngepost apa nih buat the first post after reparation, wkwkwk -> wlopun sederhana siiih -__-"
okeeh,, karena nih waktu liburan dan saya merasa sedikit kesepian di rumah karena yg biasa dijahilin di ruman (baca : adik2 saya) sedang berkelana menimba ilmu, yaaah, barakallahu fiikum laah, aamin
so, i just would introduce you that i'm the first child and have two sisters, now i'm in the first semester oh no, now i'm an early student of the second semester in college, hehehehe, and i have sister in second year and third year in SHS, yeahh,, you know it's just a few distance in us, wkwkwk, okee you can look this picture :)
me, uci, and iis, like three twins sisters right?wkwkwk
okeee, good luck ya my sistaaaa :*