Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ms. Marple's Final Cases ~ Agatha Christie

my english task finish,, ya,, when Ramadhan holiday, me as 12th grade has some tasks, and one of them is read english novel and create that synopsis...
and,,,, tralalala..
enjoy read it..
check this out..

Bunch is a vicar’s wife, she goes to church and her arm full of chrysanthemums, and decorates them. Although it isn’t artistic, but it was a homely and pleasant arrangement. light through the windows on the east side of the vase so that the reflective red and blue and she finds old man who wears dark clothing and dull, but he was dying and at that time he says, “Sanctuary”. Bunch asks for help to Dr. Griffit. After doctor examines him, he wakes up and says, “” after that he died. Sergeant Hayes asks that incident and bunch gives of stuff that is on his coat, the purse containing the money a pound, an old watch that had broken glass and there are the initials W.S, and a ticket to London. Mr. and Mrs. Ecless report that their brother, named Sandbourne who was unwell was lost a few days ago. They come to vicarage and meet Bunch. They are suspicious because they prefer to coat and its contents, so bunch goes to London and meet miss Jane Marple, her lovely aunt to solve that conflict.  Bunch tells that conflict and she believes that man named Walter not William or Bill and Mr. and Mrs. Ecless is not his brother. They are puzzled why the man came to the village of Chipping Cleghorn. Bunch gives a piece of paper inside the mantle, which is proof coat check ticket at Paddington Station. Arriving at the station, owned by a bunch is taken by a man named Edwin Moss; he admitted that the suitcase was his.  After a police agent Abel verify ownership by opening the suitcase contents, it turns out the suitcase belonged bunch. bunch meet of young people has been long familiar with aunt Jane, he is inspector Craddock. Inspector Craddock tells that man named Walter st. John and he was a prey is caught stealing jewels belonging Arab dancer named Zobaeda, before the trial he went to London to meet with a professional at clothing theater named mrs. Jacobs and he brought  a suitcase and kept at the coat check room at Paddington station. Edwin Moss and Ecless who killed Walter when he got off the bus because they wanted his suitcase. Bunch and    inspector Craddock met Ms. Jane Marple who had kept the suitcase which is safe keeping by Miss Marple. The suitcase opens when they arrive. The contents of the suitcase is clothes Zobaeda which is decorated by gemstone  and 2 papers, they are a marriage letter walter Edmund st. John with Mary Moss is the original name of Zobaeda and birth certificates of their child, she named jewel often called Jill. Bunch knows why he came to the Chipping Cleghorn. There are a Mundy family who lived in Laburnum cottage they care a girl named Jill who admitted her grand daughter  and a week ago mrs. Mundy had a stroke and her husband had been ill and they want to enter nursing homes and Jill was cared by the Bunch.
Strange Jest
Jane Heiler is an actress, he introduces Miss Marple to two young person named Charmian Stroud and Edward Rossiter. They tell hers a story about buried treasure which is belong to Mr. Mathew, he was very care to his nephew, but he died about March ago, before it he gave a clue, he appointed to his right side of his eye and moved the eyelids, also said that it will be fine because he gave all his treasure for his nephew. His nephew got married, Edward was a soldier and Charmian was a manager of small theater, so they had not much money and wanted to sell their house. They remembered the words from their uncle that he more confident that his wealth had bought gold and buried, so that he did not leave the property in the form of insurance. Edward and Charmian was very confused, they believed that wealth was buried in a place, therefore they dug in various where and invited Miss Marple to look that digging. Ms. Marple was surprised and she try to find another clue, yeah the old drawer with an old and neat methods, she find a bundle of letters, one of which is a love letter from Betty Martin, who has love secretly and their letters addressed to their friend named Matilda Graves, but ms. Marple find other clues that may be more important, she find fried meat recipes, but as the key is another letter.  She find an envelope used to send the letter is m older, marked 185. Ms. Marple also remembered a phrase that reads all my eye and Betty Marti. So, Betty Martin it does not exist and Mathew was maked all the letter. Ms. Marple remembered her nephew named Lionel, her hobby is collecting stamps and Miss Marple knew stamp which was made in 1851 worth 25 thousand dollars and the color is blue.
Tape-Measure Murder
Ms. Pollit is a subscription tailors Miss Spenlow. That evening she comes to miss Spenlow house and want to give her clothe. Unfortunately, no answer from inside the house, at that time miss Hartnell come to help miss Spenlow and she find that miss Spenlow died and her husband look like other time, he always calm, so that suspicion come. A police agent come to miss Marple to solve that problem, she tells that miss Spenlow who was a young waiter got married with gardener at that house, but he died because of sick. She got second married with a jewelry store entrepreneur; they lived happily and went to st. Mary Mead. There, Miss Spenlow was a society and religious person. She wanted to confess that had stolen emerald in her employer's house with his partner, Ms. Pollit. Ms. Pollit did not want it is happened, so she forbad her with killed her.
The case of the caretaker
After dr. Haydok examines miss Marple, he tell real story, Harry Laxton is a pity young man in the village, he was sent to Africa because he love the daughter of local tobacco merchants, because of his effort he was able to become a successful person and got married with a woman who has descendant of indo-france and set up a luxury house in the village where he lived in a child age, Kingsdean House. That place had previously been occupied by Mrs. Murgatroyd and he cursed Harry and Louise will not get happiness and will die because of the curse. Louise died because she felt from horse which is suddenly not well when the horse see miss Murgatroyd shook her hand. Unfortunately, it just a drama created by Harry Laxton who has sly to get happiness as he want. He wants to get married with miss Edge who is an independent woman and beautiful. Also, Mr. Murgatroyd who was horrible just in drama
The case of the perfect maid
A waiter in village who is honest, named Gladys Holmes get accusation by her strange boss, they are a pair of Skinner sister, named miss Emily always consider her self is unwell and miss Lavinia. Finally, they have new waiter who is more perfect than Gladys. Unfortunately in eleventh day, new waiter get away and steal very much miss Skinner’s adornment. Ms. Skinner is surprised, they goes to London to medical treatment for miss Emily. Ms. Marple tries to show that Gladys who is kind woman is not a defendant, finally miss Marple show that miss Emily and Mary is one person successfully. The police agent is very surprised and expresses their thanks for miss Marple.  
Miss Marple tells a story
Ms. Marple tells a story to her nephew, named Raymond and Joan about a bad drama of woman. Mr. Petherik and his friend, named Mr. Rhodes meet miss Marple to solve Mr. Rhodes conflict. He gets accusation about his death wife in Crown Hotel in Bamchester and will into prison. Beside that, just Mr. Rhodes and a full waiter into her room. He tells that night after he wrote a book he went to his wife room which was divorced by narrow street, and he found his wife died because of someone pierce her with hairpin in her chest. There are a single room for Mrs. Granby and miss Carruthers. Ms. Marple is not as usual, she is confused. Fortunately, she show the fact that one of two women who are in single room is killer of miss Rhodes. That woman has sly and neat methods and can use that narrow street well, and miss Marple believes the killer is miss Carruthers.
The Dressmaker’s Doll
Alicia Combee is afraid for a doll belongs to Sybil Fox; she considers that doll is a frightening doll. Also, Mrs. Fellows-Brown who has a dog named Fou-Ling and that time she want to fix her clothe, when she looks at that doll, she believes that doll is a frightening doll  and she is afraid of that doll. Beside that, her pet is strange and doesn’t hear her words. There are some chaos was happened, finally they knows that doll make them to be someone who forgets easily. That doll looks closely to Sybil and Combee and she looks like someone who is unlike them. That doll moves each other place and always sit on the desk where miss Sybil write in fix room. They won’t their life was disturb by that doll, so they lock that room and give its for that doll. Unfortunately, in one day that doll out from its room, Alicia is very afraid she through that doll out from the window and fall on the side walk. A girl who is about eight years old puts that doll, but miss Alicia and miss Sybill try to prohibit that doll was put by hers, but she is want to care and says that doll need our care and love.
In A Glass Darkly 
That is a story that was happened in 1914 before a war.
He went to Badgeworthy where his friend, named Neil Carslake lived and his friend had young brother, named Alan also young sister, and named Sylvia. When he fixed his tie to hold Sylvia’s engagement party, before it at the glass, he looked a man strangled a beautiful woman in a side of bed until she died. He was very startled and he told that real story to Sylvia, but she was not angry and canceled her engagement. In a war in 1916, Neil died and in a war in 1918, Charles Crewley who was Sylvia’s former fiancé died. So that he got married with Sylvia. He was jealous looked Sylvia was happy with her friend, named Derek Wainwright; he was a clever, kind, and rich man. One day, Sylvia went out from her house to meet someone that loved and needed her, she went to her house in Badgeworthy. Someone who was loved and needed Sylvia was her old brother, Alan. Unfortunately, her husband was very angry and sad before he knew that reality. He found his wife in a room and strangled her and fortunately she didn’t die. They confessed their wrong and took care each other. 

yeah,, you are interested...
enjoy read that novel,,
and you will find new world..

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Oleh-oleh blogwalking^^

eh lagi blogwalking,, da qoute bagus neh...
the difference between successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather lack of will.
hehehe,, trus ada lagi neh..

Ibrahim bin Adham, salah seorang alim, saat ditanya tentang mengapa doa tidak dikabulkan, ia menjawab. “itu karena hatimu telah mati dari 10 perkara”.
  1. Engkau mengenal Allah Swt, tapi tidak menunaikan apa yang diperintahkan-Nya.
  2. Engkau membaca Al-Quran, tapi tidak mengamalkan isinya.
  3. Engkau mengaku bermusuhan dengan iblis, tapi masih saja menuruti keinginannya.
  4. Engkau mengaku mencintai Rasulullah saw, tapi tidak mencontoh akhlak dan mengerjakan sunnah-sunnah yang beliau lakukan.
  5. Engkau mengaku memimpikan Surga, tapi tidak melakukan perbuatan yang menuju ke arah sana.
  6. Engkau mengaku takut neraka, tapi masih saja melakukan perbuatan dosa.
  7. Engkau mengetahui bahwa kematian itu pasti, tapi tidak mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapinya.
  8. Engkau begitu asyik membicarakan aib orang lain, tapi melupakan aib-aib dirimu sendiri.
  9. Engkau makan rezeki dari Allah Swt, tapi tidak pernah bersyukur kepada-Nya.
  10. Engkau sering menguburkan orang yang meninggal, tapi tidak pernah mengambil pelajaran dari peristiwa itu.

     Semoga kita bisa mengambil hikmahnya,,,amiiin
    o ya,, klo lebih jelasnya..
    hehehe,, tadi saya baru blogwalking blognya kak Assad...
    peace ^^

Mom???? -____-

Hahaha :D,, lucu sekali mamaku ini,,
malam takbiran, banyak show di TV,,
nah,, kesempatan deh bagi mamaku liatin idolanya..
nah,, pas lagi nyanyi,, ada conversation~~~
me : ma, itu siapa???
mom : Ponari..
me : hah???
sister : itu,, andra and the backbone..
me : -_______-
sister : itu lagunya siapa sih..
mom : Sumiati,
sister : iya????
me : enggaklah,,
sister : itukan lagunya Chrisye,,
me : lah emaaang..
sister : -_________-

lucu sekali mamaku,,

Monday, August 29, 2011

Marthen Kanginan mode on~~

Wait for result of Istimbat meeting,, chatingan deh ama teman seperjuangan,, yg ngaku” punya nama JeduerKlontang..
Hahaha,, dasar emang lola..
o    lah???
o    aku jadi inget pakdeku yg mudik dari malang ke gresik naik vespa..
o    gyahahaha..
o    hahah jadi pengarang buku fisika dong
o    marthen kanginan...
o    loh kok bisa???
o    hah??
o    kok bisa **???
o    iya kan nama pngrg buku fisika namanya marthen kanginan
o    kn pakdemu kanginan
o    hah??maksudnya??
o    hahahaha:D
o    aku baru sadar!!!!
o    telat ne leny...

Hahaha :D.. dunia semakin jayus,,,

Why choose that??

remember child age..
wkwkwk.. paint is my hobby.. yeah, that’s why i chosen that word for my blog name..
hobi yang udah biasa ni ketahuan waktu aku duduk di bangku TK,, ya kira-kira tahun ’99 [wah dah jadul,,] iya, waktu itu aku ikutan lomba mewarna menyambut HUT RI [biasa,, klo Independent Day di Indonesia dirayainnya ada berbagai perlombaan yang kadang kala juga menguji nyali, contohnya aja climbing pillar,, ato panjat pinang,, kyak gini yang di bawah ni..  iya sih hadiah yang nyangkut di ujung menggiyukan,, tapi klo dah ‘gedubrak..jeduarklontang-klontang’ alias jatuh,, aduh kayaknya 7 hari 7 malem harus pake balsem,, (lah?? LEBAY!!) tapi ini semua buat mengingat-ngingat klo Indonesian culture keep our solidarity well, okey J]

Nah, jadinya deh aku ikutan lombanya,,, dan... jeng-jeng...
Iam as the first winner of coloring competition at my RW (Rukun Warga),, walaupun itu tingkat RW,, tapi aku bangga banget dan sangat tidak menyengka, hehe :D..nah jadilah deh sejak saat mamaku semakin menyemangatiku untuk ikutan lomba” yang berbau coloring-drawing-painting-also drawing kaligrafi.. bagus sih,, tapi.. since that moment, i ever do my weekend to go everywhere as participant the art competition,, fyuh~~~ capek banget..
Nevertheles,, i always keep my thank to Allah for my wise and kind mother,, i love you so much mom,, ya soalnya walaupun kekalahan sering didapat, tapi beliau tak pantang menyerah untuk mengingutkan aku dan adik”ku di berbagai perlombaan mewarna. She always said, “The defeat is a victory that delayed”.
Alhasil, Alhamdulillah banyak trophy yang dah mejeng di lemari kaca :D.. dan weekend yang biasa diisi lomba dah g’ jalan,, semenjak aku masuk MTs,, kesibukan dah mulai memuncak dah gitu dah jarang lomba gambar buat anak SMP,, dah g’ imut lagi,, gyahaha :D..
Jadi itu ceritaku,, apa ceritamu?? [lah??dah kayak iklan salah satu mie instant] J

Selamat Jalan, guruku T.T

Ya Allah engkau yang Maha berkuasa,,
Inna lillahi wa innailaihi raaji’un,,
Sesungguhnya semua ini milik-Nya dan akan kembali kepada-Nya..

Ya Allah terimalah amal kebaikan salah satu hamba terbaik-Mu ini,,
Alm. Bpk. Zulhiswan,, guru Metematika di MAN Insan Cendekia Serpong

Ya Allah ampunilah dosanya dan berikan tempat yang mulia di surga-Mu untuknya..

Friday, June 24, 2011

Kilabret Hamur ?

Wah,, apa maksud dari judul itu??
Jkakakakak.... bacanya R U M A H  T E R B A L I K, hehehe.
iya, habis nonton acara  TV tentang rumah terbalik di dunia yang fenomenal,, jdi pingin nulis..

Wah, menyeramkan... seperti rumah roboh, tapi ini adalah suatu kreativitas tangan manusia yang memiliki ide super jenius... ya ide cemerlang ini buah karya seorang tukang kayu, bernama Gerhard asa Gettorf, Jerman bersama rekan-rekannya Gesellse Splettstößer dan Manfred Kolax yang semuanya dibuat dari beton dan baja yang desainnya terbalik... bahkan seluruh isi rumahnya juga terbalik loh...
Ini dia...

Wuish... itu mah ide super gilaa.... di Indonesia udah ada belum ya???
Tak mau kalah juga,,, pengusaha asal Polandia tertarik untuk membuat rumah terbalik sebagai salah satu project "The World Upside Down". yang dibantu oleh dua arsitek terkemuka dan super kreatif,,, mereka adalah Klaudiusz Golos dan Sebastion Mikuciuk.
Ini dia...

Wush.... rumah terbalik, perabotan rumah terbalik, semua-semua terbalik, bisa-bisa dunia terbalik...
Wkwkwkwk :D